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Unions 21
| Blog post

National Officers Pathway launched

By Becky Wright, Executive Director | 2 min

For a second year running, Unions 21 will offer its unions spaces on the National Officer Pathway programme.

The aim of this pathway is to give union officers a well rounded understanding and skills needed to handle the complex role they undertake. Exploring key concepts such as strategy and planning through to dealing with difficult cases, this pathway equips officers with the knowledge they need to be successful as well as make transitions to more senior positions.

To get the most out of this pathway, you need to be in a senior position or likely to be in a post in the next year or so.

A few words from last year's cohort:

Cath Lowther, new GS AEP

The National Officers Pathway has been an invaluable learning journey. It certainly boosted my confidence in taking up the role of General Secretary, a scary enough proposition for anybody! I feel that by having been on the pathway, I am better equipped to make strategic decisions, understand our finances, manage staff and be the leader I aspire to be.

Chris Hargrave, TSSA

"One of the most complete courses I have attended. The modules interlinked well to give a broad understanding of the challenges facing unions today, and how to effectively run a union. I'd recommend this course to any TU Official looking to take on more of leadership role, as well as those just wanting to broaden their horizons and refresh their ideas."

Lisa Connell, Fórsa

"The Unions21 National Officer Pathway was a fantastic training programme which offered a different, more strategic way at looking at how unions operate and how we increase their influence. It dealt with important strategies all premised around ensuring capacity and leverage are at the core of how we operate and navigating the challenges that face us not only in each of our respective unions but across the movement generally. It provided me with a totally shifted view and perspective around looking at union leadership and management and how we organise around issues that are deeply and widely felt by our members and how we empower others to be part of that."

For more information on the pathway, download the brochure. Please note a typo, all dates are 2023-24.

All participants must have approval from their union to attend, but to register y

To register, please contact us at

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